what is your dream


For generations, we’ve been convinced a labor-, water-, and fertilizer-intensive lawn devoid of life or character is the “American Dream.”
But here at Lawns to Life, we have seen first-hand the impact that lawns full of life and self-expression have on our neighbors and friends.
That’s why we want to support you if you’re thinking maybe it’s time to try something new.

From grass deserts to productive ecosystems

Who are we?

We’re a diverse collective of passionate students, researchers, and practitioners.

Why convert your lawn?

There are many reason for converting your lawn, spanning ecological and social.

How convert your lawn?

Converting your lawn looks different for everyone. Are you ready to take the first step?

““This process has been amazing for my mental health. I love working with my hands and spending time outside. Watching these plants grow and then being able to harvest them to share with my friends is the highlight of my summer!”

Jane Miller


Whether you’re just curious about what we do or you’re thinking about converting your lawn, we’re here to answer any questions.